iSEO - Romanian (Romania)

This language pack is translated at 39%.

iSEO language translation packs can be downloaded as installable Joomla packages. Please note: this page is updated every 7 days and files with less than 25% translated are not included in the packs

1. Install your preferred Joomla language pack using the Joomla language manager and set it as the default site language

2. Install your iJoomla language pack following the steps below

3. Click on the language you would like to install on your site

4. Click on the download now button on the right and save the zip file to your preferred location

5. Login to your Joomla administrator panel and select extensions > extension manager

6. Continue with the standard Joomla component installation process

7. Your iSEO installation will now use the new language pack

The language pack contains translations for the following resources


using Transifex.