I have a problem with using when pasting code in to the box on affiliate ads.
For example I paste this affiliate banner code:
<a target="_blank" href="http://shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=395397&u=1486363&m=18592&urllink=&afftrack="><img src="https://i.shareasale.com/image/18592/AAGPS-BannerAd-728x90-optimized.jpg" border="0" /></a>
But when I save this and check again, everytime, the link looks like this:
<a target="_blank" href="ad_url"><img src="https://i.shareasale.com/image/18592/AAGPS-BannerAd-728x90-optimized.jpg" border="0" /></a>
The URL seems to strip out. I notice that this happens at the back end and on the front end.
I can provide log in credential by email if required.
Best regards,