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Resolved Course Bundle question

GURU Active
  1. Stephen
  2. Guru
  3. Wednesday, 07 February 2018
  4.  Subscribe via email
Others have posted similar questions for this. Like them, I need to have the ability to sell multiple courses as a "bundle". Perhaps 3 courses together for a different price than the individual price.

I saw that this might be a feature that is added in 5.3; however, we cannot wait until then.

One option that I was looking at would be to use a membership extension that would add these students into a defined Joomla group and then make those courses free for people in that group.

My question from the Guru perspective, if the course is free for a group what type of access do they have to the course? Do they have unlimited access to the course even if they get removed from the free group? Or are they on a subscription plan for the course?

For example, I would like to create a "bundle" of 3 courses for one set price. They purchase the 1-year membership rate and are added to the "member group". Since they are in the group, those 3 courses should be "free" (already paid) when they sign-up for the courses in Guru. What happens 1 year later after they sign up for the course if the course was not completed? Do they still have access to the course if they have been removed from the "member group"?

EX: Course A, B, C are all individually priced at $30 for unlimited use. Have a "member discount/bundle" of $75 for all 3 courses.
Student purchases the bundle on 02/07/2018. (1-year subscription for each course)
Student completes 2 courses and starts the 3rd on 02/07/2019, but does not complete the 3rd course. What happens on 2/8/2019? Do they still have access to the course or are they prevented from continuing the course at that point, since they are no longer a part of that group?

I guess that once they purchased the "bundle", I could manually create a 1-year subscription order for that user for each course. If that is the only way to handle this bundle issue, is there a way to create a 1-year subscription but NOT display that on the course to prevent other "non-members" for purchasing the subscription?
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